about the author

Welcome to the wild and wonderful world of...... well, ME!

Get ready to embark on a whistle-stop tour of my journey so far. A journey filled with twists turns and a whole lot of laughter.

Birmingham (UK), is the city that raised me. Alongside my siblings Matthew and Rachel. We were quite the trio, often causing mischief wherever we went. Our incredible parents Josephine and Glenn, were not only brave enough to handle our shenanigans, but also provide a loving upbringing.

Family trips and holidays were our jam, creating wonderful and fun-pact memories, that live on to this day.

Now let’s talk school. The school was a mixed bag for me. I enjoyed the social aspect and had some of my happiest times there. But deep down, I knew I was wired differently. I wasn’t cut out for the typical cubicle-dwelling, suit-wearing “Adulting" career. Oh no, my destiny was far more entertaining.

Cue the music... cue the lights.... cue the drama..... cue the errr fetching outfits. Time to enter the arena of PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. You heard that right! I fell head over heels for the world of slams and suplexes. Who would have thought that spandex-clad warriors would captivate my heart? But they did. And got to spend five glorious years living out my dreams of being a pro wrestler. Talk about a unique way of telling stories. Wrestling will always have a key place in my heart.

Despite my passion for wrestling, I found myself grappling with many a mundane job, but alas, every cloud has a silver lining, and fate was to change my hand for the better.....

Ah, the story of how I met my amazing wife Emma. Brace yourself for a tale filled with love laughter and a dash of workplace mischief. It all happened at one of those oh-so-thrilling jobs I mentioned earlier. Little did I know that fate had a wicked sense of humour and a surprise in store for me. There I was, stuck in the monotony of my everyday existence, when suddenly, like a ray of sunshine bursting through the store's front door, Emma walked into my life. I was instantly smitten. It was as if the universe had conspired to introduce me to my better half. One who could reign me in and keep me wondering too far off the beaten track. And boy did she reign me in, with her kindness, wisdom and of course beauty. We formed a dynamic duo and vowed to take on the world, one adventure at a time.

But let’s not forget the three little stars, that complete our constellation. Isabella, Sophia and Abbie. These three daughters of ours are not only apples to our eyes, but a constant source of inspiration for my storytelling endeavours. Their innocent laughter imaginative minds and endless curiosity, light up our lives. And I can't help but infuse their spirit into the tales I weave.

So there you have it – a glimpse into the love story that unfolded amidst the monotony of a mundane job. Emma, my guiding star and our three incredible daughters, my endless inspiration. They are the beating heart of my stories, the fun and laughter that echoes in every line.


COVID 19. The pandemic was a mixed blessing. Suddenly I found I had all this uninterrupted time with my daughters. Sure I missed the daily grind, but boy it gave me some serious food for thought. It was during those chaotic, yet oddly beautiful moments, that I realized what truly lit up my soul... STORYTELLING

And so my journey as a writer began. Drawing inspiration from my family, my interests and of course my wrestling days, I embarked on a mission to create stories that would whisk readers away on adventures they never thought possible. With each word I pen, I hope to transport you to a world where imagination reigns supreme and anything is possible.

So buckle up, and join me as we traverse the winding roads of storytelling. Where anything can happen and the only limit is our imagination. Let’s dive into the depths of adventure and see where the currents of creativity take us.

Ready? Let’s go!

about the book

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